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Coffee By Roast


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Bring little Italy home with you with our version of Italy's drink of choice, Antoccino. Antoccino can be tricky to make at home. Let us prepare it for you using our Robusta blend and nailing the one-to-one ratio of steamed milk and espresso.


Coffee By Roast
  • Light
Coffee By Region
  • Africa

Arabica (Coffea arabica)

Our high-quality arabica coffee will have a slightly sweet flavor, with hints of chocolate, nuts, and caramel. You may also notice hints for fruit and berries. There will be a slight/pleasant acidity and a little bitterness. Try cold brewing our arabica coffee to help bring out the sweet flavors of arabica even more.


Coffee By Roast
  • Dark
Coffee By Region
  • Africa


Our American version of a latte. This sweet beverage is a milk-based espresso drink made using a steamed half-and-half mixture of milk and cream instead of milk. Caffè breves are fluffier, creamier, and richer than lattes. They’re more like cappuccinos, topped with quite a bit of rich foam.


Coffee By Roast
  • Medium
Coffee By Region
  • Africa

Cafe Au Lait

Café au lait sounds a lot fancier than it is - espresso with hot milk, which is not the same as white coffee (espresso with cold milk). Prepared and served using our Robusta-espresso blend with hot milk.


Coffee By Roast
  • Dark
Coffee By Region
  • Africa

Cafe Bombon

Made popular in Valencia, Spain is the Cafe Bombon. Our Cafe Bombon is prepared with our Robusta-espresso blend served with sweetened condensed milk in a one-to-one ratio.


Coffee By Roast
  • Dark
Coffee By Region
  • Africa

Cafe Zorro

Kick-start your morning (or evening) with our Café Zorro. It's very similar to the Americano because they both contain a double espresso shot and hot water. But the Café Zorro contains less water, in return less dilutes the double espresso to give you that extra boost.


Coffee By Roast
  • Medium
Coffee By Region
  • Central America

Caffe Creama

Caffe Crema is a fancy word for espresso. Similar to our other espresso-based beverages, we start with our Robusta blend. The Caffee Crema differs from other espresso-based drinks because of the long-brewed brewing process.


Coffee By Roast
  • Light
Coffee By Region
  • Central America

Caffee Gommosa

Our seasonal but popular Caffe Gommosa is hot chocolate with a kick. Great for dessert - we start with a campfire marshmallow and pour a single shot of our Arabica or Robusta blend coffee (your choice) over the top.


Coffee By Roast
  • Dark
Coffee By Region
  • Central America

Chai Tea Latte

If you're not much of a coffee drinker, then our Chai Tea Latte is the drink for you. Our Chai Tea Latte is black tea infused with cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, and other spices combined with steamed milk and foam to wake up your morning.


Coffee By Roast
  • Dark
Coffee By Region
  • South America


Another popular espresso beverage is the Cortado. To create our signature Cortado blend, we mix steamed warm milk, not perfectly but even, with espresso. This process reduces the acidity of our coffee blend and removes the frothy or texture you find in most other Italian beverages.


Coffee By Roast
  • Medium
Coffee By Region
  • Central America


There's nothing like winding down after a heavy dinner with this delicious ice cream drink. Eiskaffee is German for ice cream coffee. Traditional Eiskeaffee is made with a vanilla bean ice cream that nicely accents the coffee flavor. However, we prefer to shake things up with other flavors like Rocky Road or Butter Pecan with our Arabica blend.


Coffee By Roast
  • Medium
Coffee By Region
  • Central America


No, it's not a typo; we do mean Espressino. This espresso beverage can be prepared in two different ways. We follow the northern Espressino recipe from Italy - where we use Nutella instead of cocoa powder. First, spread Nutella along the walls of the glass then add cocoa powder at the bottom of the glass. Then we add our Robusta-espresso blend and top it off with steamed milk and cocoa powder sprinkles.


Coffee By Roast
  • Light
Coffee By Region
  • Pacific

Flat White

Foamy and frothy is the best way to serve any flat white. The flat white consists of our Robusta-espresso blend with microfoam. It's similar to a latte but typically smaller with less microfoam. The higher coffee to milk ratio creates a velvety consistency that allows espresso to be the dominant flavor.


Coffee By Roast
  • Light
Coffee By Region
  • Pacific


The Galão is dangerously close to the caffe latte or cafe au lait. Galão is prepared with one-quarter of our Robusta-espresso blend and three-quarters of foamed milk served in a tall glass.


Coffee By Roast
  • Dark
Coffee By Region
  • Pacific

Honey Citrus Mint Tea

The perfect tea to soothe your sore throat. This tea is ideal if you're starting to feel under the weather and need that extra boost to keep you going. Try our Honey Citrus Mint Tea hot or cold.


Coffee By Roast
  • Dark
Coffee By Region
  • Pacific
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