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Cafe Zorro

Kick-start your morning (or evening) with our Café Zorro. It's very similar to the Americano because they both contain a double espresso shot and hot water. But the Café Zorro contains less water, in return less dilutes the double espresso to give you that extra boost.




Cafe Zorro

Item #: 40755    US List Price: $5.63

Café Zorro is similar to the Americano in that it contains a double shot and hot water. The difference is the ratio of coffee to hot water used in the Zorro. In an Americano hot water is added to the strong espresso to dilute the coffee and extend it to a drip coffee like texture. The less water added, the more concentrated, or less diluted the double espresso. 


  • One-to-one ratio of hot water and double espresso
  • Prepared differently in different parts of the world
  • Also known as Doppio

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Profile: Intense acidity, citrus and berry notes, bright and vibrant
Place: America
Process: Hot water is added to the strong espresso to dilute the coffee and extend it to a drip coffee like texture. The less water added, the more concentrated, or less diluted the double espresso.
Pairing: Coffee and chocolate are an amazing pairing, so you might want to consider a chocolate treat with your afternoon coffee.



No, it's not a typo; we do mean Espressino. This espresso beverage can be prepared in two different ways. We follow the northern Espressino recipe from Italy - where we use Nutella instead of cocoa powder. 


The Galão is dangerously close to the caffe latte or cafe au lait. Galão is prepared with one-quarter of our Robusta-espresso blend and three-quarters of foamed milk served in a tall glass.


Eiskaffee is German for ice cream coffee. Traditional Eiskeaffee is made with a vanilla bean ice cream that nicely accents the coffee flavor. However, we prefer to shake things up with other flavors like Rocky Road or Butter Pecan with our Arabica blend.

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